Age: 9 Years
Status: Operated 1 1/2 yrs earlier

Name: Ms.Gayatri
Age: 12 Years Status: Operated
This little one was one of the victims of the Tsunami. Her family lost all their belongings including their house and their fishing boat (only means of livelihood) because of this natural disaster. She was a suffering from frequent cough and fever. Even normal activities like playing or cycling left the girl breathless. On diagnosis it was found that she had a hole in her heart between the lower chambers – Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). After the surgery she is now well and is continuing her studies. Thanks to the faceless many all over the world.

Age: 11 Years
Status: Operated
The tiny tot was diagnosed for Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)– Hole between the upper chambers of the heart in a medical camp attended by one of our doctors. She is an orphan. Abandoned by her parents she was admitted into ‘ Udhavum Karangal ’ a home for the homeless when she was 1 ½ years old. She is now pursuing her schooling and is presently in her 7th Standard. After the operation she is fine. She is very intelligent and aspires to become a doctor. Thanks to the founder of Udavum Karangal Mr.Vidyakar.
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